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Permitted Development Rear Extension Guide 2023


Updated: Jan 11 is the UK's leading permitted development architectural firm.

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Are you considering an extension or renovation to your home, but don't want to go through the time and expense of obtaining planning permission? Permitted development rights allow you to make certain changes to your property without the need for planning permission. Our company can help you determine whether your proposed project is eligible for permitted development and guide you through the process of obtaining any necessary approvals. We have a team of experts who are up to date on the latest permitted development rules and regulations and can advise you on what is and is not allowed. Don't risk incurring delays or fines – let us help you navigate the permitted development process and ensure that your project is a success. Contact us today to learn more.

Do I need an architect for my permitted development work?

Yes, all permitted development work requires architectural drawings to secure your lawful development certificate or prior approval from your local council. Moreover, it's a legal requirement for your builder to complete building regulation drawings (Construction Drawings) to be able to build the extension accurately, meeting building control standards and to obtain the completion certificate when your extension is finished, you can't sell your property with out these.

This is where is here to help! As the UK's leading permitted development architectural frim we deliver all the architectural drawings you need for your project. Call us on: 02071 014730 to speak with one of our team now.

Please follow the link to get your free architectural drawings quote. We can't wait to start your project.

How permitted can help you with your rear extensions.

Here at our architectural specialists have created a simple 3 stage architectural plan of works that delivers all your drawings required to complete either your lawful development certificate or prior approval application. Click here to view our architectural process in more detail.

One of our specialist will undertake a full measured survey of your property to collect all the measurements required to draw up an interactive 3D-Model of your home. From this model we obtain all your existing floorplans, elevations, roof plans and awesome 3D-Views. We then schedule a design briefing session together where we share our screen with you so you can see your extension being drawn live from the comfort of your own home.

This design briefing will set the base for your concept drawings, you will receive, floorplans, elevations, roof plans, and 3D-Views so you can see exactly what the extension will look like in real life before it is built. With unlimited design revisions we will create your perfect extension, an once the final design has been agreed, we will then complete your lawful development certificate or prior approval application on your behalf and work with the council to ensure you stand the best chance of approval first time.

Get in touch, we can't wait to start your project.

Our other useful Blog Links:

What is Permitted Development?

Permitted Development was introduced by the government in 2015 by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government. They drew up a set of fixed regulations which can be applied to every household in the UK looking to undertake an extension. The idea is to allow common house holder extensions to be approved without the need to apply for planning permission.

This has helped householders out hugely, as it provides vast opportunities and exciting prospects to invest into your own home and create the new space you are striving for!

Permitted development Rights can be complex and changes are always on the horizon... so make sure you are up to date with exactly what

you can achieve under permitted development right here, at the UK's leading Permitted Development Architectural Company.

For more information on what permitted development is click here to view our dedicated page.

There are two ways to achieve your permitted development rear extension...

It all boils down to how far you are looking to extend out beyond your rear elevation. If you are looking to extend out up to 4 metres on a detached property or up to 3 metres on a semi-detached / terraced property then we can complete what's called a Lawful Development Certificate for you.

If you are looking to extend out past these figures, we will apply for Prior Approval under the Larger Home Extension Scheme on your behalf. This allows you on detached properties to extend out to 8 metres and for semi-detached / terraced properties out to 6 metres. This is a substantial amount of extra space and will almost certainty provide the area you are looking for.

Call us on 02071 014730 to speak with one of our permitted development specialists today.

What is a Lawful Development Certificate?

A Lawful Development Certificate is what we receive from your council that proves that the extension meets all the technical guidelines for permitted development rear extensions. In essence it takes the place of a traditional householders planning permission approval notice from the council.

However, it's good news as the route to achieve your Lawful Development Certificate is lot more simple to achieve than traditional planning! We need to provide evidence through architectural drawings that the extension meets these regulations. They will ask for Existing Drawings of how the property looks before the extension, Proposed Drawings of how the extension looks with the extension, a Site Location Plan and Block Plan. These are so the council can locate and understand exactly which property is being extended and by how much to cross check with the permitted development guidelines.

Permitted development rear extensions under a lawful development certificate is the most secure way to achieve approval from your council for your project. If the guidelines are met they simply can't refuse your application, nor can your neighbours object!

What is Prior Approval (Larger Home Extension Scheme)

Prior Approval under the Larger Home Extension Scheme is the application we complete for you when you're looking to extend beyond the guidelines for a lawful development certificate. It provides you the opportunity to extend up to 8 metres for detached properties and up to 6 metres for semi-detached / terraced properties.

It is a statutory requirement to complete this application when extending out this far under permitted development. This is because the council has to allow your neighbours the opportunity to raise any concerns with the extension. If no objections are raised then just like a lawful development certificate you will be allowed the extension as the council are not allowed to refuse it. If an objection is raised, it is not the end of the world, as the council will then assess the extension more inline with a traditional planning application, however, with more of an opinion to pass it because it is within your permitted development rights.

Much like the lawful development certificate, we will have to provide evidence through architectural drawings to prove that the permitted development rear extension guidelines have been met. These include Existing Drawings, Proposed Drawings, Site Location Plan and Site Block Plan. Your local council may also require other information which is more site specific, these can include, biodiversity checklists, tree reports or ecological surveys. However, for the most part, these are not required.

The all important question is... what are your permitted development rights in 2023?

The way the government has written their guidance defines what's not allowed. Extensions on properties under residential dwellings is called Class A permitted development and below are the rules government have written for rear extensions. Click here to speak with one of our specialists to help you with your project today.

Development is not permitted by Class A if...

(A) Permission to use the dwellinghouse as a dwellinghouse has been granted only by virtue of Class [G,] M, [MA,] N, P [PA] or Q of Part 3 of this Schedule (changes of use);

(B) As a result of the works, the total area of ground covered by buildings within the curtilage of the dwellinghouse (other than the original dwellinghouse) would exceed 50% of the total area of the curtilage (excluding the ground area of the original dwellinghouse);

(C) The height of the part of the dwellinghouse enlarged, improved or altered would exceed the height of the highest part of the roof of the existing dwellinghouse;

(D) The height of the eaves of the part of the dwellinghouse enlarged, improved or altered would exceed the height of the eaves of the existing dwellinghouse;

(E) The enlarged part of the dwellinghouse would extend beyond a wall which

(i) Forms the principal elevation of the original dwellinghouse; or

(ii) Fronts a highway and forms a side elevation of the original dwellinghouse;

(F) Subject to paragraph (g), the enlarged part of the dwellinghouse would have a single storey and

(i) Extend beyond the rear wall of the original dwellinghouse by more than 4 metres in the case of a detached dwellinghouse, or 3 metres in the case of any other dwellinghouse, or

(ii) Exceed 4 metres in height;

(G) For a dwellinghouse not on article 2(3) land nor on a site of special scientific interest, the enlarged part of the dwellinghouse would have a single storey and

(i) Extend beyond the rear wall of the original dwellinghouse by more than 8 metres in the case of a detached dwellinghouse, or 6 metres in the case of any other dwellinghouse, or

(ii) Exceed 4 metres in height;

(H) The enlarged part of the dwellinghouse would have more than a single storey and

(i) Extend beyond the rear wall of the original dwellinghouse by more than 3 metres, or

(ii) Be within 7 metres of any boundary of the curtilage of the dwellinghouse being enlarged which is opposite the rear wall of that dwellinghouse;]

(i) The enlarged part of the dwellinghouse would be within 2 metres of the boundary of the curtilage of the dwellinghouse, and the height of the eaves of the enlarged part would exceed 3 metres;

(j) The enlarged part of the dwellinghouse would extend beyond a wall forming a side elevation of the original dwellinghouse, and would

(i) Exceed 4 metres in height,

(ii) Have more than a single storey, or

(iii) Have a width greater than half the width of the original dwellinghouse;

(J) Any total enlargement (being the enlarged part together with any existing enlargement of the original dwellinghouse to which it will be joined) exceeds or would exceed the limits set out in sub-paragraphs (e) to (j);

(K) It would consist of or include;

(i) The construction or provision of a verandah, balcony or raised platform,

(ii) The installation, alteration or replacement of a microwave antenna,

(iii) The installation, alteration or replacement of a chimney, flue or soil and vent pipe, or

(iv) An alteration to any part of the roof of the dwellinghouse

These are the rules set out for permitted development rear extensions. They may sound a little complicated however, we have used them for years and for the benefit of our clients we know them inside out.



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